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Major insurance companies CIS
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 insurance companies of Ukraine

The insurance companies of Ukraine

USAC "Garant-AUTO"
Address USAC "Garant-Auto" - Central Office: 01004, Kyiv. Red Army, 15/2 (5, 6 th floor). Tel.: +38 (044) 206-88-01. Fax: +38 (044) 206-88-01. Hotline: 0800 50 50 10

Insurance company "PZU Ukraine"
Address of insurance company "PZU Ukraine" - Central Office: 04112, Kyiv. Degtyarevskaya, 62. Tel: (044) 238 62 38 581 04 00. Fax: (044) 581 04 55. Hotline: 0-800-50-311-5. Short mobile: 311

Insurance company "INGO Ukraine"
Address of insurance company "INGO Ukraine": 01054, Kyiv, str. Of thieves, 33. Tel. : +38 044 490-27-44. Fax: +38 044 490-27-48

Insurance group "TAS"
Address Insurance Group "TAS": 03062, Kiev, Victory Avenue, 65. Tel.: + (044) 536-00-20. Fax: (044) 536-00-21. Hotline: 0800500195

Insurance company "ASKA"
Address of insurance company "ASKA" - Central Office: 03186, Kyiv. Antonova 5, 2nd Floor. Tel. / Fax: (044) 455-99-70, 455-99-79. The head branch office: 83052, Donetsk, pr. Lenin, 100. Tel.: (8062) 348-38-00. Fax: (8062) 348-38-87

Insurance company "Providna"
Address of insurance company "Provіdna": 01032, Kiev, Blvd. Shevchenko, 37/122. Tel.: (044) 492-18-18. Fax: (044) 492-18-12

Address "Oranta" - Head Office: Str. Zhilyanskaya 75. Tel.: +38 (044) 537-58-00. Fax: +38 (044) 537-58-83. Hotline: 0-800-508-505

Insurance company "UNIQA" (UNIQA)
Address of insurance company "UNIQA": 01034, Kyiv. Reitarska 37. Tel.: 38 044 230 99 30. Fax: +38 044 238 63 12

Insurance company "Universal"
Address of insurance company "Universal" - Head Office: 01030, Kyiv, str. 48A B. Khmelnitsky. Tel. / Fax.: (044) 281 61 50/55. Hot line: 0 800 500 38 1

Insurance company "Alfa Insurance"
Address of insurance company "Alfa Insurance": 04073, Kiev, Moscow Ave, 9 (BC "Forum Park Plaza"), of. № 2-204. Tel.: +38 (044) 499-77-61, 499-77-62, 499-77-63. Fax: +38 (044) 499-77-60. Hot line: 0800 30 99 999 (044) 4999999

SK "Ukrainian Insurance Group"
Address of Insurance Company "Ukrainian Insurance Group": 03038, Kyiv. Fedorov, 32-A. Tel.: (044) 503-99-95. Fax: (044) 503-99-97. Hotline: 0-800-500-349. Short mobile: 236

Iinsurance company "EASY-insurance"
Address of insurance company "EASY-insurance": 04050, Kyiv. Herzen, 10. Tel.: +38 (044) 206-28-85. Fax: +38 (044) 206-28-84

AXA Insurance
Head office address of insurance company AXA Insurance - Head Office: 04070, Kyiv. Fraternal, 14, third entrance, 6th floor. Tel.: (044) 499-24-99. Fax: (044) 495-22-54. Hotline: 0-800-30-272-3

Insurance company "Lemma"
Address of insurance company "Lemma": 61166, Kharkiv. Kolomna, 3. Tel.: (057) 714-28-10, 11. Fax: (057) 7145-11-64. Kiev office: 04070, st. Fraternal, 6, of. 208. Tel.: (044) 490-90-84 (86)

Insurance company "Allianz Ukraine"
Address of insurance company "Allianz Ukraine" - Head Office: 04119, Kyiv. Degtyarevskaya, 21 tel. +380 44 499 7700. Fax: +380 44 499 7701. Hotline: 0800500727

Insurance company "Kniazha"
Address of insurance company "Kniazha": str. Glibochitskaya, 44. Tel.: (044) 207-72-72 (multichannel). Fax: (044) 207-72-76. Customer support: (044) 207-72-59

Insurance Company "Krajina"
Address of Insurance Company "Krajina" - Central Office: 04053, Kyiv, Kudryavskyi descent, 7, Floor 9-10. Tel.: +38 (044) 590-48-00. Fax: +38 (044) 499-61-05. Hotline: 0-800-500-467

European Insurance Alliance
Address of insurance company "European Insurance Alliance" Head Office: 01004, Kyiv. Swimming pool, 7-in. Tel.: +38 (044) 254-63-00. Fax: +38 (044) 254-63-50. Hotline: 0 800 500 0 56

"Ukrainian fire-insurance company"
Address JSC "Ukrainian fire-insurance company": 04080, Kyiv. Frunze, 40. Tel. (044) 463-6421. Tel. / Fax: (044) 417-1615

Insurance company "Investservice"
Address of insurance company "Investservice" - Head Office: 04053, Kyiv, Kudryavskyi descent, 5-b, of. 208. Tel. / Fax: (044) 531 90 09, 502 99 61. Departamet Sales: (044) 502 01 37

Insurance company "NOVA"
Address of insurance company "NOVA": 02660, Kyiv. M. Raskovoyi 11 (12th floor). Tel. / Fax: (044) 496-80-80, 494-12-31, 494-12-32

Insurance company "benchmark"
Address of insurance company "Standard": 03057, Kyiv, str. Degtyarevskaya, 33-b. Tel.: +38 (044) 590-22-22. Hotline: (044) 590-22-22, 0 (800) 500-800

Insurance Company "QBE-Ukraine"
Address of Insurance Company "QBE-Ukraine": 04070, Kyiv. Elijah, 8, 10-th entrance, 4th floor. Tel.: (044) 537-53-90. Fax: (044) 537-53-99

Insurance company "Brokbiznes"
Address of insurance company "Brokbiznes": str. Saksaganskogo 115-a. Tel. / Fax: +38 (044) 246 6722 (multi). Hotline: 0800700123

Insurance company "VUSO"
Address of insurance company "VUSO": 83000, Donetsk, ul. Postysheva 60. Tel. / Fax: (062) 300-30-31. Hot Line: 0 800-5-037-73

Insurance Company "HDI Insurance"
Address of Insurance Company "HDI Insurance" (formerly "Alcona"): 03150, Kyiv. Red Army, 102. Tel.: (044) 247-4477. Fax: 529-0894. Boulevard Shevchenko, 38/40a. Tel.: (044) 201-4383. Hotline: 0-800-501-513

Insurance Company "ARMA"
Address of insurance company "Armagh" - Directorate: Str. Zhilyanskaya, 41-A. Tel.: +38 (044) 494-15-48. Fax: +38 (044) 494-15-47

Ukrainian Transport Insurance Company (UTICO)
Address the "Ukrainian Transport Insurance Company" (UTICO): str. Saksaganskogo 77. Tel.: +38 (044) 289-60-61, 289-63-72, 289-41-47, 289-84-81

Insurance Company "Illichivske"
Address of Insurance Company "Illichivske" - Central Office: 01033, Kyiv, str. Saksaganskogo, 38 b, office 12. Tel.: (044) 207-01-80. Fax: 207-01-83. Hotline: 0800 50 50 30

Insurance company "Indigo"
Address of insurance company "Indigo": 04071, Kiev, ul. Horeb, 55-K. Tel.: (044) 200-04-04. Fax: (044) 200-04-05. Telephone for information: 0-050-332-328

Insurance company "Dobrobut"
Address of insurance company "Dobrobut": 04070, Kyiv. Sagaidachnogo / Igorevskaya 10/5a, 1st floor. Tel.: (044) 428-76-76, 428-72-28, 428-74-00

Insurance company "Omega"
Address of insurance company "Omega" - Central Office: ul. Observatorna, 17 and Kiev, Ukraine, 04053. Tel.: (044) 486 68 16, Fax: (044) 486 68 81. Hotline: 0800 30 30 53

Insurance company "Busin"
Address of insurance company "Busin": 03110, Kyiv. Klimenko, 23-A. Phone / fax: 44-245 380 62 17 249 65 04, 270 June 18

Insurance Company "Globus"
Address of insurance company "Globe" - Headquarters: 88000, Uzhgorod, st. Sobranetskaya, 60. Tel.: 3 8 (0312) 61 54 34. Head Office: 01 010 Kyiv, ul.Andreya Ivanov, 21/17-1. Tel.: +38 (044) 280 31 20. Hot line: 0800500157

Insurance company "Tecom"
Address of insurance company "Tecom": 65005, Odessa,. Mikhailovskaya, 44. Tel.: (048) 719-05-95/97 Fax.: (048) 719-05-54. Customer Service Centre: Odessa Street. Pasteur, 48. Tel. / Fax: (048) 785-24-68/69

Insurance company "Nastya"
Address of insurance company "Nastya": 01001, Kiev, ul. Vladimir, 5B. Tel. / Fax.: +38 (044) 499 98 50. Mob. tel.: +38 (044) 411 59 99

Insurance company "Neftegazstrakh"
Address of insurance company "Neftegazstrakh" - Head office: Kyiv, 04071, st. Glubochitskaya, 40, 3rd floor. Tel.: (044) 586 23 70. Fax: (044) 586 23 79

Insurance company "YUNIVES"
Address of insurance company "YUNIVES": 03150, Kyiv, str. Red Army, 72. Tel. / Fax.: +38 (044) 206-84-30

"Crimean Insurance Company"
Address "Crimean insurance company": Sevastopol Street. Butakova, 4. Tel: (0692) 55 30 28. Fax (0692) 54 23 00

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